The ultimate goal of yoga, "is not just a better body, but also a better state of being. Today we give you two exercises to improve acidity and other stomach problems.
- Lie on the ground with your face downwards.
- Rest arms alongside the body with palms facing upward.
- Slide your hands under your thighs, Press palms properly against top of your thighs.
- Inhale slowly and raise the head, chest, and legs upto 12 to 15 inches off the floor or as high as possible.
- Angle your head as far back as possible. Keep your feet, knees, and thighs pressed together and stretched backward.
- Breathe normally and hold the pose for a few seconds. Then slowly release legs and head - coming back to the original resting position.
- You may repeat this asana four to five times.
- Helps release accumulated gas.
- Improves the digestive system and helps in better motion. Improves upset stomach and constipation by stimulating the abdominal region.
- Activates liver, intestines, pancreas, kidneys and lungs.
- # Make sure you do not try to lift the legs too high.
- # People suffering from back problems, and hernia should be careful while doing this asana.
Makar Asana - The Sanskrit word 'makar', means crocodile.
- Lie straight on the abdomen with face touching the ground.
- Keep both feet close to each other with the soles of the feet facing upwards. Extend both hands straight above the head with arms touching the ears.
- Forehead and nose should touch the ground.
- Let the palm and fingers of one hand touch the floor and put the palm and fingers of the other hand over it.
- Close your eyes and breathe normally while concentrating.
- Hold this posture as long as you can.
- Improves digestion and respiration.
- Its practise controls anger.
- Benefits the person suffering from epilepsy.
- This asana is totally harmless and can be practiced by any body.
Source :
I strongly agree that our mind is very powerful. It can make impossible things to turn true. If we think that we are sick, although we are not ill, we will get sick.
Yoga exercise and meditation help you to stay calm. Actually these are also used in our Thetahealing class. Since Thetahealing helps to strengthen our faith and boost our courage, when it is combined with yoga, the result is perfect meditation - for body and soul.
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Thanks for this yoga exercise. I like your blog always. I recently joined the hatha yoga teacher training and then I got to know about many yoga which help us to cure many health problem.
Wins Honey
Meditation Techniques | Yoga Guidelines
Blogger Mijael "Yoga for Everyone" Brandwajn said...
According to Yoga Therapy guidelines I have learned, lying on your belly and adding pressure to it can help increase "digestive fire". It kind of makes sense, you are stimulating the area.
However, at least some forms of acidity and stomach problems (diarrhea for example) would be the kind of conditions where you might want to reduce that digestive fire...
So in this sense, this kind of therapeutic advise might not be accurate for at least some digestive problems.
Wouldn't you agree?
I have written a post where talking about poses in this way can give Yoga a bad name... here's the link if you are interested:
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