Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to Deal with Depression - Four Steps You Need To Take

By Flor Serquina

Depression is a negative mental state, a kind of disease that when left untreated may lead to a chronic situation. For some people, depression is a passing state. But for others, it is a progressive mental disorder that can later lead to serious intent of ending one's life. Knowing how to deal with depression is therefore a very important skill to learn.

Accept Your Situation

Dealing with depression starts with first realizing and accepting that you are suffering from it. It will be helpful to know the symptoms that are manifested by a person suffering from it. You will know that you are depressed when you experience a couple of the following symptoms. You may think that these symptoms are normal and negligible but if they happen to you in combination and they are recurring, it is a sign that you are probably depressed.

Signs of Depression

Physical manifestations of depression include very low energy level and loss of appetite or excessive appetite. You may be losing significant weight or gaining too much. You may either suffer from insomnia or you sleep excessively.

Emotionally, you are always bored and you are no longer feel any pleasure from usual activities that you formerly enjoyed. You have lost sexual drive and the ability to concentrate.

You have the feeling of excessive guilt and extreme worthlessness. You are always indecisive and at worst, you are contemplating suicide or you have the strong desire to do it.

Realizing that you suffer from depression is the first step in dealing with it. You can not start on the path of recovery unless you recognize it and you accept it.

How to deal with depression now that you are aware of the symptoms and you accept that you suffer from it?

Figure out the Cause of Depression

Deep and thorough soul-searching is the second step. Reach down to your deepest self and try to figure out what causes your depression. Depression is always a result of an experience that a person went through. This experience is ugly from his point of view and he does not like it. He hates it. Dig deep down yourself and try to see what this experience is.

Be Forgiving

After knowing the reason that causes you to be depressed, the third step on how to deal with depression would be forgiveness. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Forgive all the persons that have been part of that ugly experience that caused you to feel depressed.

This includes you. Forgive yourself and accept that you are only human, prone to make mistakes and to be a subject of other people's mistakes. You can not control everything and you can not be perfect. Forgive others and forgive yourself for whatever you have done. Accepting that you are only human and forgiving will set you free. It will liberate you from the experience and make you start living a normal life.

Have Fun

The fourth step on how to deal with depression is to have fun. After you realize what caused your depression and after you have forgiven all that needs to be forgiven, go out and have fun. Start living a normal life. Get involved with things that you enjoy and that bring you pleasure. Read a lot, see places, go to see movies and do many recreational things.

Most importantly, reach out to other people and talk to them a lot. You do not really have to tell them your experience although it will make you feel good if you can do it for even one time. You will have a broader concept about life and you will get to experience beautiful things. This is also a way to refresh your mind and free it from all the negative thoughts that haunt you.

If after the third step, you find that you are incapable of doing the fourth step, this is the time that you will need professional help. Seek a psychiatrist. You are already way too deep in your depression state and self-help may not be sufficient to lift you up. Psychiatrists have professional and clinical methods that can help on how to deal with depression.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Facts-About-Depression.com. She provides more information on topics such as how to deal with depression, anxiety depression treatment center and depression warning signs that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

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