By Ankita Goel
Neck aches and back aches seem to have become the norm for us urbanites. Due to our hectic schedules long hours of sitting in the office, wrong postures or simply stress can lead to chronic neck and back ache.
Yoga can come to rescue in such situations. You can try some of these exercises (yoga poses) for your neck and back. Also don't forget to do deep breathing to release stress, which is sometimes the main cause of all the aches.
Yoga Asans (pose) relieve Back Ache are:
Locust pose- 3 times, Cobra pose- 2 times , Aeroplane pose- 3 times , Half wind releasing pose (twice each side), Wind releasing pose(full once) ,Roll your body left and right side in full wind releasing pose but head should be touching the floor(Do this 10 times), Child pose (sitting)-1 min ,Cat pose- twice both dynamically and statically.
Yoga Asans (pose) relieve Neck Ache are:
Sit in the chair with back-straight and feet firm on the floor and hands on thighs or knees.
Exercises for neck:
Bend your neck, backward and look towards the roof/sky. Hold the neck for count of 5 and bring the neck & head in normal\starting position .This exercise can be done 10 times.
Inhale, Bend your head left, try to touch ear with shoulder, hold for 5 counts and exhale, take the head in normal starting position. Practice this exercise for 5 times in left side and 5 times in left side.
Inhale, turn the head left, hold for 5 count and during hold try to look as balanced as possible. Practice this exercise for 5 times left and 5 times right side.
Half backward rotation of head clockwise and anti-clockwise with eyes open (for 10 times).
Courtesy: A popular website that helps you find natural solutions for complete health and detoxification. Discover health and beauty?. Naturally!!
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